Check out the following experiential learning weekend:

The Merit of the Other: Working with Difference in Organizations
Directed by Kate Regan, Ph.D.
August 22-24, 2014 |  Bellevue, WA

“Defining the ‘other’ is part of how we define who we are and who we are ‘not’.”
— Kate Regan

This experiential learning event provides participants with an opportunity to appreciate, explore, and experiment with:

  • Holding one’s own authority.
  • Observing and participating.
  • Recognizing the ways we consciously and unconsciously authorize and are authorized by others.
  • Taking up familiar and unfamiliar roles.
  • Establishing, crossing and/or re-negotiating group boundaries.
  • Belonging and/or working independently.

I look forward to participating as one of the Executive Team members of this event.

Registration at:

The Merit of the Other
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