Lisa Iversen’s office is located in the Historic Fairhaven district of Bellingham, WA.
Lisa is available for private sessions and consultation by phone or Zoom only due to Covid.
Inquires can be made by phone call, text, or email:
phone | (360) 223-3538
email |
If you’d like to host a family constellation workshop, email Lisa at the address above.
For specific inquiries:
Events & Registration |
Continuing Education Credits |
Family Matters Learning Program |
You can also: Join the Mailing List!
Learn more about the book, Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul.
Visit Family Constellations West, Lisa’s resource for information about Family Systemic Constellations.
This work is not about trying to change or fix anything. It is also not about blaming or pathologizing. Its power and depth lie in simply honoring what is, especially in those places of loss, pain, or tragedy which have remained unacknowledged. When we do so, love and life can flow more freely in individuals and families, and our rightful place of belonging is restored.
– Lisa Iversen