Making Love Visible:
Through Whose Eyes Are You Looking?
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What is the Making Love Visible Retreat?
“Making Love Visible: Through Whose Eyes Are You Looking?” is a one-day retreat offered and facilitated by Lisa multiple times throughout the year for couples and individuals to experience how unseen family loyalties influence partnerships and/or marriage, and to shift from blind love to awake love. This is an ideal setting for couples to access ancestral blessing and accelerated wisdom, and for individuals seeking guidance in their experience of partnership.
Inviting Questions
- Through whose eyes are you looking when you look at your partner, spouse, marriage, partnership? Your mother’s, father’s, grandmother’s or grandfather’s, your own?
- Can you sense your parents supportively behind you, blessing you to see your partner clearly when you look at her/him, or are you looking for your mother or father in your partner?
- How do you look at your partner’s parents? With gratitude? Judgement? Resentment? Envy? Respect?
- If you are single and prefer not to be, is there anyone in your family or ancestry who had difficulty in or loss of relationships with whom you may be in resonance?
- Is there a place in your heart for your previous loves, fiances’, spouses? Can you acknowledge the place in your partner’s heart for their previous loves?
Reflections from Lisa
How, and whether, we show up in partnership has everything to do with how we receive life as a daughter or son.
Our human impulse is to look at one’s partner through the eyes of our parents and grandparents. If a son or daughter is caught in their parents’ marriage, life force for adult partnership isn’t fully available.
Sometimes husbands try to access their fathers through their wives, and wives try to access their mothers through their husbands. (Thank you, Carola Castilla, who first introduced me to this astute observation.)
Grandchildren are inclined to secretly keep their grandparents company in their hearts. Children are drawn to their parents’ marriage like moths to a flame. “Our marriage isn’t your business, ” is (out of love) creatively, consistently, brilliantly tested by all daughters and sons, sometimes until they are elders.
There are images in all ancestral blueprints of balanced partnership. The fact that we’re alive is evidence.
These noticings are tip-o-the-family-soul-iceberg.
Join the retreat to learn much more.