These videos are reflections from the first Family Matters cohort that began in 2012.
Many of the members of this group continued to study together for three years.

Karin is a mother and writer.
Laya is a daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister, body-centered healer, working priestess, raw foodie and gardener. To learn more about Laya, visit
June is a daughter, sister, poet, dancer, beloved partner, dreamer, healer, mother, gardener, shamanic practitioner, teacher, and tree. To learn more about June, visit
Sharon is a(n) artist, designer, colourist, muralist, coach, architect, facilitator, daughter, sister, cousin, mother, ancestor, member & friend of the larger web of life.
Nancy speaks about her experience with “Family Matters: Learning with Lisa & Systemic Family Constellations”.
Anita is healing with Family Constellations.
Elizabeth is daughter, sister, granddaughter, laugher, coder, walker, talker, singer, lover, shamanic practitioner, giver, & student of life!
Linda is a daughter, sister, wife, mother, shamanic artist, counselor, dreamer, listener, bird woman, trickster, sprite, granddaughter of the earth and all its beings. To learn more about Linda, visit
Clara is a daughter, sister, lover, wholistic health practitioner. To learn more about Clara, visit Clara’s LinkedIn Profile.
Sabine is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, reiki practitioner, animal communicator, gardener, and lover of life. To learn more about Sabine, visit
Mickey is a mother, daughter, sister, biking enthusiast, business development coach, writer, reader, questioner, TV producer, coconut lover, curious traveler and adventurer. To learn more about Mickey, visit