Monthly Constellation Circles
Note: Gatherings moved to online format until further notice.
7 pm – 8:30 pm PST
Held online via Zoom. Join the mailing list to receive Zoom links.
No registration is required.
Constellation work is an ancient way of knowing ourselves to be held within the flow of family and community life. Lisa’s 18 years of experience with family systems constellations have developed a mastery that makes these evenings very special.
— Sharon Halfnight, Vancouver, B.C.
You are invited to attend the monthly systemic family constellation circles, led by Lisa. These circles are an especially wonderful introduction to systemic family constellations for those new to constellation work, who wish to experience the modality first-hand, and for all moved to be refreshed with our shared humanity.
See: What are systemic family constellations?
When we come together for ancestral blueprint and constellation circles, all who are present both give and receive. It also becomes clear once people are gathered together what the called upon path is regarding setting up one’s own, participating in others’ constellations, or witnessing the experience. Everyone benefits and learns, no matter the level of participation.
See: What should I expect in a constellation?
By the end of our time together, we can see so clearly: one person’s family is all of our families.
These constellation circles are typically offered twice monthly:
◇ Every first Monday evening of the month 7 pm – 9:30 pm in Bellingham, WA, at the Sustainable Living Resource Center
◇ Periodic first Tuesday evenings of the month in Vancouver, B.C., at HeartQuest Holistic Wellness Centre
Circle dates are announced on the homepage and in the newsletter. Those wishing to set up a constellation are welcome to contact Lisa before the event to make arrangements.
From Lisa about these circles:
“[In 2001] I began offering a twice monthly introduction to systemic family constellations in my local community. I love these circles. After leading hundreds of them, I never tire of them. I write a bit about these offerings in Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul:
Each of these introductory sessions is both unique and the same. I never know who or who many people will be there or what life issues will be revealed. Yet each evening a group of people comes together, many of whom are strangers to one another, and by the end of the evening, there is a silence, a stillness, where pictures of family life, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, grandparents and grandchildren, reveal how much we have in common.
Each person participates in a movement of giving and receiving in the circle while in resonance with invisible images from their own ancestry that are important for others in the circle.
This same person will see pictures from the heritage of other participants that they also have been missing, images from the ancestral soul which have been waiting to come into visibility. The most commonly reported experiences from these circles are feelings of compassion for self, others, and the human experience. Many also express feelings of relief, reconciliation, understanding, freedom, clarity, and greater belonging.
Here’s to all of us and our relations living freely from our places of belonging in the web of creation, and may the circle be unbroken for all.”