Belonging, Power, and Authority:
How Family and Ancestry Impact Roles at Work
A BOB+BART Event with Lisa Iversen, MSW, LCSW, and Kate Regan, Ph.D.
April 27, 2018 | 9 am-5 pm
Granville Island Hotel
1253 Johnston St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9
Check-in: 8:30 am (coffee & tea)
Workshop: 9 am-5 pm (break 12:30-1:30 pm)
- before March 15th $300 USD ($367 CAN, including GST)
- after March 15th $330 USD ($420 CAN, including GST)
- three or more from the same organization, before March 15th $270 USD ($341.25 CAN, including GST)
For more information and to register, email:
Questionnaire to complete with registration: Roles at Work Questionnaire
- Lynn Corrigan, 604-879-6191
- Sharon Halfnight, 604-836-5506
To secure the reduced lodging rate at the Granville Island Hotel, ask for the “Halfnight rate” when registering. This rate is available when reservations are made before March 27th. Hotel number is: 604-683-7373.
View the flyer.
Belonging, Power, and Authority: How Family and Ancestry Impact Roles at Work