Experiential Conversations:
The Synergy of Soulcraft™ Practices and Family Constellations
With Lisa Iversen, Anne Hayden & Sheila Belanger
Thursday-Sunday, November 17-20, 2016
Aldermarsh Retreat Center
South Whidbey Island
Sliding Fee: $595 to $850 (includes lodging and meals). Discount of $50 for off-site lodging.
Explore the potent relationship between the practices of nature-based Soulcraft™ and Systemic Family Constellations. Both methods promote access of embodied truths in the inseparable human/nature bond, with connection to who came before us, who comes after us, and who we are in our deepest essence.
Sheila, Anne, and Lisa, co-lead this residential learning. We are delighted to offer this event for the third year in a row. Last year’s sold out; please do not wait until the last minute to register.
Both Soulcraft™ and systemic constellations are rooted in the deep structure of being fully human: Soulcraft™, in our inseparable human/nature evolutionary bond; and systemic constellations, in the truths that live from generation to generation in both the human lineages and in our relationship with place/land.