I returned home a few days ago from the 2011 U.S Systemic Constellations Conference in San Francisco, CA. It was a gift to be with 300 others from across the country, along with a few friends from other countries, to explore the diversity, gifts, and richness of this work in the U.S.
I am grateful for many aspects of this gathering, such as:
- a Healing Circle and Community Constellation for those impacted by the trans-generational stress, historical trauma and the phenomena of ‘American amnesia’ led by Francesca Mason Boring and Malidoma Somé;
- the experience of planning together and co-leading the Integrative Healthcare Panel with gifted colleagues from around the country; and
- meeting new friends such as Jerome Kerner, who combines his work as an architect with constellation influences, looking at the influence of ancestry and culture on home. He is the author of Be It Ever So Humble.
With deep gratitude, I look forward to experiencing how each of us expresses the gifts (as well as challenges) of our ancestries as the constellation work spreads across the globe.
Thanks for remembering with me that we all belong.
2011 U.S. Systemic Constellations Conference in San Francisco