Healing Images in Ancestral Blueprints with Systemic Family Constellations
with facilitator Lisa Iversen, MSW, LICSW, and organizer/apprentice Suzanne Jeffers
We are in resonance with our ancestors in more aspects of our lives than our conscious minds can realize. Our health and wellbeing are deeply influenced by unacknowledged truth, entanglement with suffering, and confusion about where everyone belongs in our ancestral blueprints. Systemic Family Constellations provide us an immediate, embodied, and compassionate way to experience wellness, resources, and deep love in our families.
This circle is for those with health, family, relationship, work, parenting, financial, and other issues. Our time together is big medicine for the soul, body, and mind. Join us in allowing release of struggle and disconnection and welcoming ancestral blessing and clarity for receiving the fullness of life just as it has come to us.
Lisa will be leading constellation circles assisted by organizer/apprentice Suzanne Jeffers in Virginia Beach July 13th-15th. Registration offered through Eventbrite:
- Friday, July 13th: evening session, 6:45 – 9 pm
- Saturday, July 14th: full-day workshop, 9 am – 6 pm
- Sunday, July 15th: full-day workshop, 9 am – 6 pm
- All weekend
Special rates offered for registering before May 15th. Discounted rate for registering for both all-day workshops with waived fee for Friday session.
Questions may be directed to organizer Suzanne Jeffers via text or call at (678) 362-5738 or email.
Facilitator: Lisa Iversen, MSW, LICSW
Lisa is the director of the Center for Ancestral Blueprints and the author of Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul. Lisa has been a psychotherapist since 1992 and a constellations facilitator since 1999. She lives in Bellingham, Washington. To learn more, visit her website: www.ancestralblueprints.com.
Organizer/Apprentice: Suzanne Jeffers
Suzanne is a Certified Qigong (pronounced “chi-gung”) Instructor and Holistic Health Guide. From 2005-2012, she organized and participated in Systemic Family Constellations workshops with facilitator Lisa Iversen in Atlanta, GA. Suzanne is now apprenticing with Lisa and will be assisting her in this July’s workshop in Virginia Beach. To learn more, visit her website: www.onewyou.com.