Please join me as Una O’Connell, Systemic Constellations facilitator and teacher from England, leads us in these workshops:
The Invisible Landscape of Bullying:
Vulnerability, Protection, Belonging, and Power
Friday, September 12, 2014
Bellingham, WA
Longing to Belong:
Walking the Path Between Home and School
Saturday 1-6pm & Sunday 9am-6pm
September 13-14, 2014
Seattle, WA
Una O’Connell is a rare gem. A few highlights about her: 25 years experience in education (as teacher, principal, systemic therapist)…trained at NY’s Bert Hellinger Institute in 2001/2… fluent in four languages… on teaching faculty for Brazil’s two year training in Systemic Pedagogy… lives in England… (and last but not least) mother to two grown daughters.
Her workshops are filled with embodied, systemic based, wise, practical learning that participants can use and adapt in multiple settings, whether with children or adults, in a classroom, home, therapy session, or constellation workshop.
Registration at