If you’d like to soak up experiential learning with a brilliant, grounded, seasoned-and-wise-beyond-belief-in organizational wisdom and tell-it-like-it-is-with-humor-and-grace mentor and woman, join me for:
Leadership and Organizations
Through the Lens of Systemic Constellations
Led by Kate Regan, Ph.D.
Saturday, August 9, 2014 | 9:00am -6:00pm ~~~ Bellingham WA
Join us in exploring, comparing and discovering the overlap and differences between the principles underpinning effective organizations (BART–Boundaries, Authority, Role & Task) and those underpinning family systems where there is a good flow of love (BOB–Belonging, Order, and Balance).
This day provides opportunities to explore different aspects of organizational systems including: product & services, production and flow, profitability and balance of give and take, authority, hierarchy and order in customer systems and organizational systems, role clarity in the organization vs. the family, and various leverage points in the organizational system as a whole.
Location: Fincayra Retreat by the Sea
Register: Email famconwest@yahoo.com. Deposit required. Send $50 nonrefundable deposit to Lisa Iversen, 1209 11th Street, Suite 2, Bellingham WA 98225.
Maximum space: 24 participants. Fee: $165