Facilitator Friday Series:
“Work: Grandparents, Parents, Us”
Friday, September 11, 1-5pm
Bellingham, WA
The influence of our parents and grandparents is with us in all aspects of our lives, including our worklives. Their gifts, aptitudes, worklives, dreams (realized and unfulfilled), the work of parenting, retirement, and more offer blessing to be here..now..more fully..when the resonances are made visible.
Whether you are an aspiring or seasoned constellation facilitator, healing practitioner, or value how constellations immediately brings embodied awareness into light, this circle invites greater consciousness, humility, and wisdom.
You’re invited to join me and others on September 11th in this life affirming, gratitude inspiring circle.
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Sustainable Living Center
Fee: $75. ($65 Family Matters Learning Partners)
Registration required at famconwest@yahoo.com. Visit series description of “Facilitator Friday “on this website.